Learn about our mission

Our Vision, Mission and Guiding Principles

Our Vision

Sustainable Community Transport Sector flourishing in free-market environment. 

Our Mission

Influence our member’s environment through activism and capacity-building

Guiding Principles

Integrity – We apply the highest ethical standards and transparency in all our work

Unity – 
We channel our members’ experience, expertise and conviction, and act as one

Leadership – We shape our future through thought-leadership, inventiveness and evidence-based submissions

Achievement – 
We adopt a success mindset and pursue our objectives with conviction and tenacity

Equity – We strive for social justice and connectedness for our members’ stakeholders

Sustainability – Our organisation, our industry, our members and the causes we prosecute must be sustainable


The VTCTA is a non-profit organisation (Incorporated Association A0025899E and ABN 88 353 196 530) governed by a Committee of Management. For more details about the operation of the Committee of Management, including copies of our current 2018-2020 VCTA Strategic Plan, please contact us.